MTU Aero Engines Test Center

The G200 high-tech test center is where parts, components and complete engines – development tests, certification tests and series acceptance tests – are carried out. The technical highlight and heart of the new test center is a multifunctional rotary test stand. It was newly erected in its own enclosure – a double-shell decoupled reinforced concrete structure – and rests on a separately mounted, sound-decoupled 90-tonne machine foundation. The smooth operation of all facilities is ensured by an elaborate supply technology for water, electricity, argon, cooling and hot air as well as a safe heat dissipation of the test stand.

Ice Arena Kaufbeuren

The Erdgas Schwaben Arena is a multi-purpose hall in Kaufbeuren in the administrative district of Schwaben. It has been open since October 2017 and offers space for up to 3500 visitors. The ice hockey club ESV Kaufbeuren plays its home games in the hall.

New Construction FH Esslingen

Institute building for energy and environment of the FH Esslingen. Life is a construction site, philosophically speaking; and that life is a construction site in concrete terms, in Stuttgart, Hamburg and Berlin anyway, as we also know in Esslingen, not only through the building site in the Weststadt, but also through the city centre campus of the Hochschule Esslingen. With the energy transition, the faculty of the general contractor for buildings, energy and environment is at the centre of the current political and social discourse.

New Student Residences


Cheap housing is a rarity in the city of Zurich, and the search for an affordable room in a shared house is a real issue for many students. ETH Zurich has therefore decided to create additional housing for students on the ETH Hönggerberg campus.

New construction of an administration building

In der technisches Entwicklung der AUDI AG entstand ein 55 Meter hohes Hochhaus mit 12 oberirdischen Geschossen und drei Untergeschossen. Ein technisches Highlight des Projekts ist der größte und modernste unterirdische Lichtkanal Europas, 125 Meter lang und in 14 Metern Tiefe unter dem Gebäude gelegen. Die gesamten Arbeiten wurden bei laufendem Produktions- und Forschungsbetrieb des Automobilbauers durchgeführt. Eine Aufstockung des Gebäudes um vier Geschosse wurde während der laufenden Planung realisiert.

a new branch office in Stuttgart

The branch office in the commercial area of Degerloch replaced the smaller establishment in Sigmaringer Straße.